ESP32 Project Update 2
april 1, 2019
There was a lot of testing done today, namely for the LEDs and with the battery on the main board.
First of all, the leds were tested as a strip on a breadboard, again with just an Arduino. All example code worked well on this, and the LEDs were actually incredibly bright despite their small size.
After this, I measured and cut the wires needed to connect the LEDs together as a strip.
LED wiring pattern
Because all of the testing before this point has been done on an Arduino and I hadn't verified the esp32 PWM capabilities, I decided to test the esp32 with one of the LEDs. In addition, I tested whether the LEDs worked on battery power, which they did pretty much perfectly.
All in all, it was a fairly productive day of testing things that should've been tested when the components had arrived.